General Information
Schedule Change
Decision-making responsibilities in the instances of requested schedule changes shall rest primarily with counselors. Normally a schedule change will be entertained only during the first two weeks of a semester. Changes made after the first two weeks of the semester shall result in a “WF” (Withdraw Failing) as a grade unless there are good and sufficient reasons approved by the administration. When a student is permitted to drop a course, every attempt will be made to fill that time period with another course.
Transfer and Withdrawal from School
Anyone wishing to withdraw or transfer from school may do so by reporting to the Guidance Office where his/her counselor will provide the necessary forms, directions and procedures. A parent/student conference is required at the time of transfer or withdrawal.
Student Records
Pupil records are available to the parent, adult pupil and certain other persons in accordance with the procedures of this district and laws of this state. Student records are maintained in the following locations:
Guidance Office: cumulative record of academic progress
Attendance Office: record of daily attendance, personal data
Health Services Office: health history and physical exams
Assistant Principal’s Office: disciplinary record
Child Study Team Office: if applicable